Building a Strong Workplace

A thriving workplace is one where employees feel motivated, supported, and appreciated. When employers foster an environment where employees feel valued and empowered, it results in increased productivity, improved job satisfaction, and higher morale. Effective communication, rewards, and recognition contribute to this positive atmosphere. A good workplace cultivates trust, respect, and collaboration among employees, employers, and customers.

The Role of Employee Screening

Employee screening is a critical aspect of the hiring process. It helps identify the potential risks associated with new hires and avoids legal liabilities. Thorough screening is essential to ensure employees is aligned with the company's culture. A comprehensive screening process should include background checks, reference checks, and drug tests. Additionally, asking job-relevant questions that reflect the company’s values helps evaluate a candidate’s skills and compatibility with the organization.

With the rise of remote work, new screening methods have emerged. Employee Verify Onboard Connect offers an advanced third-party verification tool to help businesses screen remote employees effectively.

Understanding Employee Verify Onboard Connect and Its Functionality

Employee Verify Onboard Connect is a user-friendly Employee Screening Solution. Employees simply click a link, schedule a time, and virtually meet with a live verifier via a secure connection. Employee Verify Onboard Connect provides online verifiers, available in English and also Spanish if needed. Participants receive confirmation emails, and recordings are accessible to clients. All services comply with HIPAA and SOC2 data security standards. For Workspace Verifications, only a smart device is needed, while Drug Screening Observations requires a smart device or a computer with a webcam and microphone. Reports are submitted daily to track verification completion.

Benefits for HR Departments of Using Online Verification

Human resource departments can leverage third-party online verification services like Employee Verify Onboard Connect in several ways:

  • Streamline the Hiring Process:
    Online verification allows HR to quickly and accurately verify the job applicants' information, saving time and resources.
  • Enhance Background Check Accuracy:
    By using online verification, HR ensures that the information provided by applicants is accurate and current, resulting in thorough and reliable background checks.
  • Improve Safety and Security:
    Online verification helps confirm that employees are who they claim to be, enhancing workplace safety and security.
  • Ensure Regulatory Compliance:
    Online verification ensures organizations comply with relevant laws and regulations during the hiring process.
  • Save Money:
    Online verification reduces the costs associated with manual verification processes, providing a cost-effective solution.

Final Thoughts

The 21st century calls for making employees feel at home through care and collaboration. Create opportunities for remote employees to collaborate via virtual meetings, online forums, or other activities. Start with a collaborative virtual screening process. When hiring new employees, get them involved through virtual screening to check their workspace environment and equipment readiness. This initial step can lead to significant positive outcomes.

Feel free to reach out if you need assistance with third-party verifications.